Letter of introduction for writing class

The letter that follows was written by Lena Marie Hodson Clark to a teacher for a writing class she was beginning. She did not end up with this teacher but this does give a brief overview of her life. She was a prolific writer and has written many memoirs? This letter is in the possession of Vicki Clark Stull and was transcribed here by her.

June 22, 1992? Great Falls, Montana


Dear Mr. Kytle

My name is Lena Marie Hodson Clark, and my legal signature is Lena M. Clark. Almost everyone calls me Lee, and I prefer that. I sign my journal entries “elCee” – why, I don’t know, Just happened one day. I was born and raised in Othello, Washington and this September I will be 67 years old. I was the youngest of three children, and the only daughter. My formal education consists of a high school diploma and eight months of training at a secretarial school in Spokane, Washington.

Othello was a very small community- 300 residents at that time. This varied three or four people at the most during my seventeen years there. It was a railroad community and most families were on or near par financially. Everybody knew everyone else and usually everyone else’s business. It was a protective environment to grow up in and I was content with it most of the time.

In your letter, you spoke of a “magical place”. I guess mine would have to be the city of Spokane. We traveled there by train twice and sometimes three times a year to shop. Christmas time was the best trip of all. I remember all the special things we did, the places we ate, the heavy shopping bags – we walked miles. The Christmas season was such a wonderful time to be in the city. It was so festive with all the decorations and lights. To this day I love to go to large cities for brief visits. Spokane will always be my favorite. Soon after my high school graduation that is where I went. After business school I worked as a cashier for an investment firm there until I was married. Those were exciting years for me. I liked being on my own.

My husband and I had two children, a daughter and a son. My career then became that of a wife and mother. I would not give up those years, though at times while I was living them, I thought I might like to. We now have a son-in-law and daughter-in-law who we respect and six grandchildren – all live here in Great Falls. We share an extremely satisfying association with our two children and their families. Our daughter and son have very different personalities, yet both have tolerance as one of their many good qualities. Because of this we are able to have great discussions together as well as individually. The are both thinkers and doers-they have taught me a lot.

My husband’s career became involved with the missile defense project and soon required some traveling. We left a large home we had built ourselves to live in mobile homes provided by the government as we moved about the missile fields. Our children were 15 and 13 respectively at that time. It was upheaval for our family in one way, but it turned out to be one of the most interesting experiences of our lives for all of us. We soon discovered that we were all four very adjustable people. I liked the traveling: didn’t mind packing up things and driving on down the road to a new place about every two years and sometimes oftener than that. I became a very efficient packer and mover and so did the children. Out of all of this I discovered that at times I really enjoyed traveling alone. I am not afraid either to drive or fly – choose whichever is the most efficient.

It was in different communities that I entered the work place again to help put the children through college. I always seemed to be able to get a job when I needed one, wherever we were. I did most secretarial work and a small bit of accounting when necessary. At one time when we were settled, I worked for two years as a secretary for the Director of Admissions of a small College. Of all the places I worked, this is the one I enjoyed the most. Loved the college atmosphere and still like being able to be on a college campus on occasion.

My husband retired here in great Falls. It had been a central location for us during our travels and as it turned out it became the place for the rest of our family to put down roots to raise their families. In due time, I found that I needed some special interests of my own. I volunteered at the local hospital information desk, which I still do and recently volunteered with the newly formed Hospice group here. I find this work rewarding. Awhile back the traveling bug hit again when I discovered the Elderhostel catalogs. This is great for me – as I can pick things that interest me knowing that I will be with people with the same inclinations. I see new areas, meet new people and learn new things. You can’t beat that. Though I like to travel, I prefer short trips. I consider myself a ‘people’ person; however, I choose my close associates very carefully and cherish what I call my alone time.

As you can tell by now, I am very family orientated and that is the area in which my writing has come from. I enjoy writing about my earlier life. It seems to serve a need fro me. As I mentioned before from the time I can remember I loved words. Writing my own thoughts still gives me pleasure. I keep a journal, but sporadically; when I feel the need to get special events and feelings down somewhere. Usually do this in longhand. I find that very often I am much more articulate with pencil and paper than I am orally. There is an excitement for me at times when I am writing. I can’t explain it. There are times when I start something and I lose track of time. Suddenly I know it is time to quit, as though I have pushed an idea or thought far enough for awhile. Sometimes this material is very usable = other times not. All of what I have done so far has brought about a different sort of maturity to me. I guess I am wondering if there is a place for what one writes about a normal ordinary life with some ups and some downs. I am unsure about setting any goals, I don’t know if I am capable of writing other material.

Sometime back my children convinced me to purchase a computer. Since I have had it I have done more in the way of getting some areas of my life down in story form. I took one creative writing class at the local continuing education level. In that class, I wrote a story about my computer called “The Old Secretary and the Alien.” My instructor suggested I send it off to some senior publications. It was published in SENIOR, a California senior magazine in San Luis Obispo, CA. I received the whole sum of $19.50. But it was exciting to see it in print.

My reading tastes are varied. I do not read much fiction anymore. Not because I don’t like it, but because there is other material I prefer to read. Loved all the fairy tales as a child – also was fortunate to have an Aunt who was a fantastic story teller. I enjoyed all of my literature classes in school, but have forgotten a lot of what we had. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”was fascinating to me and still is. When I need something and I don’t now what, I read “The Prophet”by Kahil Gibran. I have read some Emerson and Thoreau. Other than that lots of New Age literature – I enjoy Richard Bach particularly his “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”. Have read material put out by the Theosophical Society – their Quest magazine for example. My other interest encompass holistic health articles, herbal literature, various forms of self help therapies, reflexology, etc. I don’t always believe everything I read in either of these areas – shelve a lot of it in the back of my mind. Often it will pop into my conversations a what seems to be the right places.

Another interest is in music. Strauss is a long time favorite – one of my fondest fantasies is to be among the guests attending the elegant New Years Eve gala held in Vienna where nothing but Strauss is played. I also enjoy Beethoven, Mozart and others. To be able to attend a live concert with an accomplished piano artist is always a thrill for me. Television has brought a deeper interest in opera but I have a lot to learn along this line. I also appreciate philharmonic orchestras and good symphonic band music. Someday, if the opportunity arises, I would like to study more about music, the opera, the masters, etc.

I can think of no more to say except that I am looking forward to our association. I am pleased to be involved in this venture. I think it will be exciting, demanding and I hope a satisfying relationship for both of us.


Lee Clark


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