Lee Clark
1508 7th Ave NW
Great Falls, Mt 59404
About 1992
Reincarnation ? is it a truth? I would like to believe it is, but in this case it’s an impossibility.
Recently, I taped a program with my VCR that I watch again and again. Each time I watch it, I enjoy it more.
The program features a concert pianist playing Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 5 in E Flat. Op73, as he conducts a large philharmonic orchestra. This is quite a feat; something to witness as well as hear.
Instead of the usual tuxedo, the artist wears navy colored pants and a crew-neck knit shirt the same color. On his head is a large, colorful skull cap; like a baseball cap with the bill cut off. This is not impressive attire. He’s middle aged, stocky but not overweight, and wears glasses.
This gentleman projects a vigorous energy. The music seems to flow through him. His facial expressions and body movements create a feeling of nostalgia in me, as if I know him and feel the same emotions. His performance feeds me and when it is over I am satisfied with my world.
I am fascinated as I watch and listen. There is a feeling of familiarity I can’t explain. At least I couldn’t until a short time ago. On that day as I watched the tape, my connection to the artist came into focus. My father – this man looks like him in size, facial expressions, the clothes he wears, right down to the type of glasses, and how they sit on his face.
My father passed away close to 40 years ago. The life he lead was that of a hard working wage earner. Orphaned at 14, his education was interrupted abruptly at the eighth grade level. He found a way to make a living for himself, and eventually for a wife and family. His life ended before he could pursue, to any extent, other interests. He loved good music. During our time together, he staunchly support every opportunity that presented itself to me in that area.
No, this is not reincarnation. It is not in the artistry of this accomplished musician that my father fits, as in the way that he looks and presents himself ? his movements and expressions ? the joy of being completely involved in what he loves. There is a special gift for me in this performance; a reminder of what my father still means to me. I am so grateful.