Darwin on 1 Nephi 3

Angle stops Lamen and Lemuel.  Saves Nephi and Sam.

1 Nephi 3:2? ? 2013-07-15 20:53:14? ? Darwin wrote the following:

Lehi uses an expression that seems a little odd. “I have dreamed a dream.” In English normally we would say “I have had a dream.” This is another one of those things that nay-sayers like to point out as evidence that Joseph Smith was a fraud. They claim that if Joseph Smith were inspired he would have used proper English. It turns out, however, that this is typical in the Hebrew language, according to the scholars I have read. “I have dreamed a dream” or “I have seen a vision (or a seeing)” or “I have thought a thought.”

Lehi then tells Nephi that he and his brothers are to return to Jerusalem. Why didn’t the Lord tell Nephi that directly, during their recent conversation? Again, it comes back to authority and responsibility. Nephi was able to get direction for himself but not for his family. Certainly, Laman and Lemuel would not have been willing to follow Nephi. If they were going to return to Jerusalem it would have to be their own idea or at the direction of Lehi.

1 Nephi 3:4? ? 2013-07-15 21:11:26? ? Darwin wrote the following:

Lehi stresses that it is more than for his own desires that he is sending his sons to get the record. The Lord commanded it. Lehi also adds ?into the wilderness.? A normal economy of words would have made Lehi end with ?bring them down hither,? or Mormon could have edited out those last words. Apparently we need to see the significance of the wilderness. This family has left everything of material value, now they are retrieving something to help them in their journey in the wilderness. It may be something like Adam leaving the garden. He took nothing with him, except his family and the coat of skins.

1 Nephi 3:6? ?2013-07-15 22:03:36? ?Darwin wrote the following:

Lehi promises the Lord?s favor to those who do not murmur against Him. This verse shows that there must be things omitted from this record. Lehi?s conversation with Nephi is not complete or is not in natural sequence. A literal reading would show that Nephi has not had a chance to murmur, but Lehi is blessing him because he hasn?t murmured. Or, perhaps Lehi is referring to the fact that Nephi is not one prone to murmur. In his dealings with Nephi in the past, Lehi has seen that Nephi hasn?t murmured, so, of course, he won?t murmur now.

This last thought reminds me of the Lord?s conversation with the brother of Jared. He asked the brother of Jared ?Believest thou the words which I shall speak?? Perhaps my grammar is faulty, but to me that sounds like ?Do you already believe what I?m about to tell you?? implying a foreknowledge of something that hasn?t happened yet.

1 Nephi 3:8? ?2013-07-15 22:12:47? ?Darwin wrote the following:

Lehi was able to see that Nephi had been blessed because he was obedient. Having faith to be obedient is indeed a blessing. It is a blessing that we can all obtain if we only have a desire to believe and act on that desire. I?m afraid it?s too often convenient not to believe. Believing leads to faith. Faith leads to repentance which means a change of direction or obedience. Faith means we have to have the energy to overcome inertia. It is easier to go straight ahead than to make a turn, whether that is on a bicycle or in our lives. Lehi rejoiced because Nephi had exerted the energy needed. Perhaps Lehi was ?exceedingly glad? at Nephi?s response because he could see that Nephi had an understanding of God?s nature and disposition toward man. Nephi had a testimony that God is watching over His children.

1 Nephi 3:10? ?2013-07-15 23:13:18? ?Darwin wrote the following:

There is no discussion about the journey back to Jerusalem, but the brothers may have talked together. They reached some sort of collaborative agreement. Perhaps Laman and Lemuel were mature enough to realize that they were somehow committed to this journey; they might as well work with Nephi and get the job done. Maybe we?re being too harsh. Maybe Laman and Lemuel got over their little murmuring tantrum with Lehi and actually felt good about going back to the big city and seeing all their friends, enjoying all their usual haunts. This couldn?t have been a very onerous task for them. Surely they were used to travelling, and a three day trip carrying nothing more than their needs for the journey should have been easy.

1 Nephi 3:12? ?2013-07-15 23:30:03? ?Darwin wrote the following:

Again, I?m not especially knowledgeable of the customs and courtesies of the Jews, but I believe that the order of business was eat and enjoy each other?s company, then, after the meal, talk business. At some point Laman raised the subject of the brass plates. We have no details of any offers made by Laman. We don?t know if he had any negotiating skills. He may have just bluntly asked for the plates without offering any compensation, security deposit or good faith in return. I?m sure Laman didn?t attend the MTC, so he may not have understood how to be persuasive without being offensive.

1 Nephi 3:14? ?2013-07-15 23:36:00? ?Darwin wrote the following:

After only one attempt to get the records, Laman and Lemuel were ready to give up and return to Lehi in defeat. At least Laman had managed to escape, but now the sons were ?exceedingly sorrowful.? We don?t know that Laban actually made an attempt on Laman?s life or pursued him; we only know he made a threat.

1 Nephi 3:16? ? 2013-07-15 23:44:23? ?Darwin wrote the following:

Nephi calls his brothers to repentance. His attitude seems to be ?The Lord has commanded us. Now let?s find a way to keep His commandment.? His plan is basically to offer to buy the plates from Laban. He again testifies to his older brothers that the family had abandoned their treasures and gone into the wilderness because the Lord commanded it. Since they are not going to use their treasures any more, it is no cost to them to offer their gold and silver and precious things for something much more valuable ? like a pearl of great price.



H. David Burton, Presiding Bishopric, October 1995

Bishop Burton suggested that young men of the Aaronic priesthood become very well acquainted with Nephi by feasting upon the first two books of the Book of Mormon. Then when they are tempted to deviate from counsels of the prophets, “You can immediately have the words of stalwart Nephi automatically come to your mind…[and] you can think of the courageous plea Nephi made to his elder brothers: ‘Let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord.'”

1 Nephi 3:19? ?2013-07-15 23:54:07? ?Darwin wrote the following:

Nephi gives us another reason that the plates are valuable to his family: to preserve the language of their fathers to their children. I had the privilege of serving a foreign language mission many years ago. I realized that a people?s language and culture are closely tied together. I could never have understood the culture of Colombia without learning the Spanish language, and learning a language fluently is not really possible without being immersed in the culture. It was probably even more so in the ancient Jewish culture. The plates contained the language, the laws, the teachings and the history of the Jewish people. It?s no wonder that the Lord commanded Lehi to send his sons back to get those plates.

1 Nephi 3:21? ? 2013-07-16 00:07:11? ?Darwin wrote the following:

Nephi was able to convince his brothers to keep the commandments by using logic and showing them the benefits of doing so. We know, however, that Laman and Lemuel were not really converted; they were only persuaded by the tangible benefits. If they had been able to feel the spiritual blessings that could come by obedience maybe they would have been converted and stayed the course. Unfortunately, their murmuring attitude did not allow them to see those future blessings.



Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 217

“A man is saved no faster then he gets knowledge, for if he does not get knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some evil power in the other world, as evil spirits will have more knowledge, and consequently more power than many men who are on the earth. Hence it needs revelation to assist us, and give us knowledge of the things of God.”

1 Nephi 3:23? ? 2013-07-16 01:35:29? ?Darwin wrote the following:

Gold is heavy. Silver is not as heavy as gold, but it is still heavier than most common metals. The valuables must have been quite a burden for the brothers to haul to Laban?s house. No doubt they were armed or, at least, had the valuables covered in some way to avoid becoming a target. This could not have been an easy task.

1 Nephi 3:25? ? 2013-07-16 01:43:59? ?Darwin wrote the following:

Laban is greedy and willing to do whatever he needs to do to increase his wealth. Not only did he refuse to trade, he stole Lehi?s treasures. This was his second offense against Lehi and his family (as far as we know). Beyond stealing the treasures, he sent his servants to kill Laman, Lemuel and Nephi. This was the third offense against Lehi. According to Jewish law (as I have been told) three serious offenses such as these qualified someone to be punished by death. It is important that we understand that Laban is now worthy of death at the hands of Lehi or his representative. He is no longer an innocent man, if he ever was.

1 Nephi 3:27? ? 2013-07-16 01:51:27? ?Darwin wrote the following:

Now they return to the wilderness. There is some safety there and danger in the city. Maybe we need to realize that sometimes the more comfortable situations harbor dangers that do not exist in our difficulties and trials. In the wilderness the brothers were protected by a rock. Do I seek protection in my wilderness from the Rock of my salvation? Is our journey through this life a journey through the wilderness?

1 Nephi 3:29? ? 2013-07-16 02:12:17? ?Darwin wrote the following:

Now Nephi and Sam are completely at the mercy of their older brothers. They endured some beating before an angel appeared. Things are not always pleasant for us, even when we try to be obedient to the Lord. The angel could have appeared before Laman and Lemuel picked up the rod. God can intervene in all of our afflictions. Every time someone attempts to harm another an angel could appear and stop the violence. God could turn our enemies? rods into marshmallows so they could not hurt us. But how would our enemies have their agency? They would be prevented from doing evil. That was Lucifer?s plan in the beginning. We could have given up the option to choose evil and its consequences, but that would have cost us the ability to choose good and the consequence of eternal progress. God has the power to stop all evil, but the cost would be all of eternity. He will not violate His own law or His children?s moral agency. Everything we suffer as we try to serve the Lord will be made up to us in the end. This is because God is a just God. We often ask for mercy, but it will be justice that compensates us for the things we have suffered.

If Laman and Lemuel had not already been told, they finally were given the news that Nephi would be a ruler over them because of their iniquities. They lost the right to lead their family because they refused to keep the commandments. God chose Nephi. This was not something that Nephi assumed for himself, or that even Lehi decided. This came as an assignment from the Lord.

Sometimes when we fail to achieve our goals, or the goals the Lord has set for us, He gives us another opportunity. He knows that sometimes (often?) we don?t manage to get everything done that needs to be done. It might be our own failings or things beyond our control. The important thing is that we do our best. In this case, the Lord has promised to step in and make sure that Laban no longer impede the mission.

1 Nephi 3:31? ? 2013-07-16 02:30:46? ??Darwin wrote the following:

Perhaps Laman and Lemuel were a little thick, or maybe they just didn?t get it. It could be that they saw that there was still work for them to do and they just didn?t want to put in the effort. Whatever it was, they had forgotten (or chose not to remember) Pharaoh?s army drowned in the Red Sea and the many times that Israel had faced a seemingly overpowering enemy, only to win the battle because they fought on the Lord?s side. Laman and Lemuel didn?t know how Laban was going to be placed in their hands, but they should have known God was able to keep His promises, and not only able, but He <i>does</i> keep His promises.



H. Ross Workman, Seventy, October 2001

“The adversary whispers the deceptive invitation to murmur to thus destroy the power that comes from obedience. … When the prophet Lehi sent his sons to Jerusalem to obtain the plates of brass, they met much opposition. … Laman and Lemuel murmured. It began, as always, with questioning: ‘How is it possible that the Lord will deliver Laban into our hands?’ they said. Next, the excuses: ‘Behold, he is a mighty man, and he can command fifty, yea even he can slay fifty; then why not us?’ Finally, they were slothful. Filled with anger, resentment, and excuses, Laman and Lemuel waited by the walls of Jerusalem while the faithful Nephi accomplished the work of the Lord.”

Below are some additional Resources for Book of Mormon Study

Young Readers:? Book of Mormon Stories Videos?

Chapter 1- How we got the Book of Mormon,

Chapter 2 ?? Lehi warns the People

More Mature Readers:? Book of Mormon Itself

1 Nephi Chapter 1

1 Nephi Chapter 2

More Mature Readers:? Book of Mormon Discussions by BYU Faculty.

Background Information:

Joseph Smith History😕 about 26 min.

Testimony of the Witnesses:? about 27 min

Structure of the Book of Mormon:? about 27 min

Divine Purposes of the Book of Mormon part 1:? about 26 min

Divine Purposes of the Book of Mormon part 2:? about 26 min

! Nephi 1 and 2:? about 27 min

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