Dear Elder Ben,


Sorry I missed writing last week.  We picked up Joshua and I am finding that there is a reason why people have children when they are young and not when they are old.  He really is a good little boy but he is a little boy and he needs things that I am not used to scheduling in.  Like diaper changes and baths and food and hugs and naps and time to play with someone and stories and cleaning up after.  Oh well, it is great to get to know him.  I think he feels comfortable with us.  He misses his mommy and daddy.  Noel calls every night but sometimes he can’t call until late and Josh is already in bed.  He called last night to say that Rachel had been moved from the hospital to a residential treatment facility.  Josh was still up and they talked.  We don’t know yet when we will be taking him back. 

Christy and Anthony and his parents are coming up this weekend, so this should be an exciting time.  Anthony is really laid back and I guess his parents are really accepting so I am not too worried.  They are bringing their camper and will park it in the driveway and I have beds for Christy and Anthony in the basement (separate rooms of course)  We are putting a new floor in the upstairs bathroom and we hope it will be done by the time they come.  

Your letters are always so full of good advice.  How about if you tell us some of things that are happening to you that prompt you to give us such good lessons.  Like how and when do you feel the spirit.  How is your scripture study coming and what promptings from the spirit have you had while you have been reading.  I can give you one I have been thinking about lately.  In Mosiah there are two groups of people who end up in bondage to the Lamanites.  One is Alma and his people and the other is the people of Limhi (son of wicked king Noah).   Alma and his people have repented and organized the church and are keeping the commandments when they come into bondage.  Limhi and his group have been under the rule of a wicked king and have strayed from the truth and committed great sins in the eyes of god.  Both of them end up with problems ie in bondage.  But the people of Alma pray (and after they are forbidden to pray vocally they pray in their hearts) and their burdens are made light and in a very short time they are miraculously delivered from bondage.  They know the Lord is with them the whole time, they can feel his spirit, even in times of trial and hardship they continue to be faithful.  Limhi’s people on the other hand, had to be humbled by slavery to the lamanites before they would even start to pray to God.  The Lord is not so quick to answer.  He hears them but he lets them stew in their own juice.  They were slow to hearken unto his words and he was slow to hear them. He does eventually help them but only after they have “waded through much affliction” and felt abandoned and repented and showed him that they are serious.

(Remember the first group was showing him that all along).  Then when deliverance does come it is not by miraculous means.  So if there are any doubters left they can stumble and fall again.  Real faith precedes miracles and miracles will come into the lives of people who are doing all they can to be faithful but those who wander off into sin can expect to have to go at it without too many miracles until they prove to God and themselves that they really are converted and not just seeking relief out of desperation and once it is granted will head right back into sin again.   It works the same way in lives of individual people.  When you are doing your best to live the gospel and keeping your covenants, you are not guaranteed that you won’t have trials and adversity, even difficulties.  But you are guaranteed that God will hear and answer your prayers quickly and that relief may even be miraculous if needed.  If on the other hand you are only half hearted in your devotion or even wandering off into paths that are forbidden, when trouble comes and you finally get around to calling upon the name of the Lord, He is going to take his time getting around to you.  It isn’t that he doesn’t hear you or love you, but you have shown by your behavior that there other things more important than Him so he will wait until he is sure that He is important in your life and not just a last ditch effort that will be forgotten when relief comes.


Well enough from here.  I know that God lives, He really is there and this life really is designed to test us.  There is one distraction after another but he expects us to see through the distractions and understand what is important. 


We love you Ben and miss you a bunch.  Keep on Keeping on and you will be blessed with the things you need to change your life in such a way as to be ready to take the next step toward exaltation.  Remember how many times change is a part of the temple ceremony.


Bye for now.  Love you,  Mom

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