Letter from Juanita to her parents about her surgery

Transcript of letter from Juanita Hogan (Mrs. Grafton W. Stull, 231 North Carlisle, Alburquerque, New Mexico) This was dated Saturday, Dec 27. That would make the year 1952. Letter addressed to “Dad” who was Houston Henry Hogan.  Transcribed by Darwin L Stull, Son.

Sat – Dec 27. 1952

Dear Dad,

      If you could see me you would wonder how I could write – I’m not sure I can yet.  The bandage practically coves my head – my right eye is out, the right side of my nose, and my mouth, a little of my cheek, and way back amid the gauze my ear is sticking out.  Over my left eye & check the dressing is probably six inches thick. They redressed it yesterday & took out the stitches under my nose & in my neck.. I don’t know how much Bill told about the operation, but they had to cut into my neck to tie off a blood vessel before they started working on my face.

       I’m getting along very well. I can walk about anywhere I want to if I go slow and allow for my blind spot. And I have been put on a dental soft diet, but would still rather eat something like milk & soup.

Hope mother is feeling alright now. Guess the ride home, & the boys excitement for Christmas didn’t help her any. But I hope she is able to be up and feeling ok by now.

Guess you’re having a good time with the boys – sounded like it from your letters. Hope they’ve been on their good behavior. I think that’s one reason I was able to be worked on so worry free, & got along so well – just knowing they were well taken care of.

Bill has been very good about writing you folks, & his folks, & our friends. And he’s spent as much time here at the hospital as they allow. He plans to leave here the 1st I think and meet his mother there in Mskg (Muskogee, Oklahoma) . I’ll be glad to know she is in Albuq (Albuquerque, New Mexico)  taking care of the boys.

This is Sunday morning now, & Bill is to come to the hospital this morning & we plan to go to church (hope I don’t scare the other people away). There is a chapel here in the building for patients & their families, so I won’t be the only one there in pajamas.

Guess this is about all for now. I’ll feel a little more like writing when my left eye is uncovered, but I’ve found I can do quite well with only one.

All my love


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