Santa Brings Xmas Greetings for 1995
‘Tis the season – time to get in tough again. We look forward to all the cards and letters we receive at this time. So many of you are in our thoughts during the year.
Our year has been pretty much the same as always. For Len, its been fishing and hunting as usual. Our friend Harold Spence came out again for a few days in July, and he and Len had a great time fishing. Then as fishing season wound down, it was time to get ready for the big game season. And soon, if there is ice, t’will be fishing again, and that’s okay too, I guess, if you like that sort of thing and Len does.
We had some of my family visit during June. Unfortunately their schedules didn’t allow them to be here at the same time. However, we were glad they could come when they did. Maybe next year’s schedules will coincide better. During this time Maxine and Ed Gant stopped for a brief but pleasant visit. They were on the way to do a tour of Alaska in their motor home.
I had my usual Elderhostel trip. It was in California, near San Jose. I was at the Marianist Center in Cupertino, a very beautiful and special retreat area. I did enjoy it and came home serenely rested. This was my sixth adventure and I’m looking forward to another next year, if possible.
Also, last summer we were pleased to have Hazel and Jim Scobey give us a call during a brief visit in Great Falls, Hazel and Jim are old friends from Ephrata, Washington. It was a pleasure to see them and enjoy a dinner together. This produced plans for the Bottchers (also from Ephrata) and Scobeys to meet us in Moses Lake in September when we made our annual trip to see the family in Othello. My brother and wife joined us and we had another enjoyable dinner and good time.
At present we are looking forward to the Holidays. All the young ones will be home except Jared, who’s still in Germany. He’ll be back sometime next summer. Noel returned from Brazil last April and we are glad to have him back. He’s now attending college in Rexburg, Idaho. Christy will graduate from High School in 96 and Ben is a freshman this year. These are Vic and Dar’s youngest two and the last ones in high school. I’m still attending plays, etc at the schools. I shall truly miss that when it all ends. As for Terry and Deb’s children, Tara graduates from UND in May of 96, and Robert is in his Sophomore year at MSU. Life does go on.
At this writing Len is on the road to recovery after a bout with bronchitis. I and all other family members are well. We hope this finds you and yours well, and we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 1996.