1 Nephi 1:1 2013-05-18 22:38:21? ?Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:1:
“Nephi was taught in the learning of his father.”? Goodly parents teach. In spite of afflictions, Nephi sees that he has been highly favored of the Lord and knows of the goodness and mysteries of God.
I did some research on the term ‘mysteries of God’,- but did’t find much from the writings of the brethren.? In Mosiah 1:3 King Benjamin mentions that the people suffered in ignorance, not knowing the mysteries of God. Perhaps the ‘mysteries of God‘ refers to the Atonement and the blessings that come through obedience to the commandments”.
President Kimball stated in General Conference, Oct 1966: “If there be hearts which can understand, know this: that the exalting truths of Christ’s gospel will no longer be hidden and mysterious, and all earnest seekers may know God and His program.”
President Kimball also wrote: “The Lord is eager to see their first awakening desires and their beginning efforts to penetrate the darkness. Having granted freedom of decision, He must permit man to grope his way until he reaches for the light. But when man begins to hunger, when his arms begin to reach, when his knees begin to bend and his voice becomes articulate, then and not till then does our Lord push back the horizons, draw back the veil, and make it possible for men to emerge from dim uncertain stumbling to sureness, in heavenly light”. –Munich Area Conference 1973
“If one rises from his knees having merely said words, he should fall back on his knees and remain there until he has established communication with the Lord who is very anxious to bless, but having given man his free agency, will not force himself upon that man”. –The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, 124
1 Nephi 1:3 2013-05-19 01:38:34??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:3
Nephi testifies that what he writes is true and according to his own knowledge. He is not writing what someone else told him to write, and he didn’t have a scribe or ghost writer. This tells us that if there are any mistakes, he is the one responsible. He doesn’t make any excuses or place any potential blame on someone else.
1 Nephi 1:5 2013-05-19 01:44:32??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:5
Lehi prayed with all his heart in behalf of his people. Again, he seems to have some feelings for the people. It’s interesting that he shows his concern for his people, then in the following verse, he has a vision or a special or dramatic answer to his prayers. This is a pattern repeated with Enos. First he prays for his own soul, then, having received an answer, he prayes for his people, then for his enemies (who are still his brethren)
1 Nephi 1:7 2013-05-19 02:14:59??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:7
Again we see the word “at” in relation to the location of Lehi’s home, “at Jerusalem”.? My guess is that the word Nephi used could have been translated as either “at” or “in”, but Joseph was inspired to use “at”.
As Lehi was overcome by the Spirit,? he cast himself upon his bed.? Joseph was exhausted by the repeated visits of Moroni on the 21st and 22nd of September 1823. He was unable to help his father who told him to go home. As he was trying to cross a fence, Joseph fell to the ground and was unaware of his surrounding for a time, then saw Moroni again. Joseph followed Moroni’s instructions.
There are other scriptural passages that refer to being overcome: Daniel 8:26-27 says that Daniel was sick for “certain” days after having a vision (perhaps a dream?) of the kings of Media and Persia being destroyed by a king of Grecia, etc.
Dan 10:8-12 — Daniel has another vision while he was “in a deep sleep upon [his] face.” As a side note: a voice spoke to Daniel in verse 12? “… from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard…”? God doesn’t wait for us to be perfect or to make a certain amount of progress before He hears our prayers. He hears us in the very moment we decide we’re going to try to improve our relation with Him.
When Nephi asked Laman and Lemuel to help build the ship and they rebelled, Nephi said “…Behold, I am full of the Spirit of God, insomuch that my frame has no strength.” (1 Nephi 17:47). There are several other places in the Book of Mormon that speak of people being overcome: Alma the younger, Ammon, Lamoni, etc. Moses also was overcome after God showed him the world. It was many hours later that Moses again received his natural strength. –Moses 1:9-1
1 Nephi 1:9 2013-05-19 19:01:57??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:9
Lehi saw “One” descending out of the midst of heaven, and his luster was above the noon-day sun. We can’t look directly at the sun without special protection for our eyes, so how could Lehi have made a comparison? I suppose he could have seen how bright a beam of sunlight is when reflected from the surface of an object. When the sunlight is on a leaf, we can see how green that leaf is. If the light is much more intense (as it would be through a magnifying glass), the leaf appears yellow or even white. Again, we need protection for our eyes to see the sun directly. We also need protection for our spirits if we are to look directly at the Father or the Son. Joseph Smith recorded that after the First Vision he “came to myself” again. He was lying on his back looking up into heaven. Had he also been overcome with the Spirit? Was he protected by the Spirit? When Isaiah saw God he exclaimed “…Wo is me! for I am undone; … for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.” (2 Nephi 16:15).
In any case, Lehi saw that the “One” was more brilliant than anything he had ever experienced. It must have been a startling event. It certainly would have grabbed my attention. Nephi does not record anything about Lehi’s emotional reaction, but he must have been terrified. It isn’t recorded, but my guess is that one of the first things the Redeemer said to him was “fear not”. That seems to be a fairly common greeting from heavenly messengers. The Spirit and the Savior are comforters. They would not want someone, especially someone who sought to serve them, to be in fear. I wonder about people who claim to be Christians and are emphatic that Mormons aren’t Christian. Some seem also giddy with delight when they claim Mormons are going to hell. First they teach that no one is supposed to judge (which in itself is a misreading of scripture). Then they judge other religions based on their own interpretation of the Bible, Supported by decisions made in 325AD at the Nicean Council. As I read the four gospels, it seems that every time someone approached the Savior with a complaint against someone else, He made them examine themselves. The clear message seemed to be “You take care of your own situation. You have your own problems to overcome. I will take care of that other person.” In reality, the only one who can say someone or some religion is not Christian is Christ Himself. We must all strive to be like Him and keep his commandments. We also have a responsibility to help others along the way, teaching and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We should be busy enough with that that we don’t have time to teach against others. It looks like I have strayed far from verse 9, but this is intended to be a study journa, not a close commenary of the Book of Mormon
1 Nephi 1:11 2013-05-19 21:27:45??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:11
The One and the twelve “went forth upon the face of the earth.” Lehi saw that there was something much bigger than himself in this ministry. This gives me the feeling that it was something worldwide, not just for Lehi’s family or just for Jerusalem. I think the Jews saw themselves as the chosen people and everyone else as “the world.” They seem to have had something of an isolationist attitude. We know that in the time of Jesus Jews would walk many extra miles to get from one place to another just to avoid walking through Samaria. One could not walk a direct route from Jerusalem to Galilee without going through Samaria, but many Jews refused to walk that route for fear of becoming unclean or of having to deal with the hated, half-breed apostates.
As Lehi saw the twelve go forth, the “first” stood before him and gave him a book and asked Lehi to read it. Several thoughts come to mind concerning this. First: the book was not delivered by one of the twelve followers but by the leader himself (so far he hasn’t been specifically identified). That shows that there is great importance attached to the book. Second, the message is contained in a book and is not delivered orally. Perhaps that is to remind us that this is not something that’s going to change, be forgotten or misunderstood. This is something like Pharaoh in the movie “The Ten Commandments”: So let it be written; so let it be done! What was written in the book was going to be done. Third, Lehi was bidden to read the book. It was not read to him. To receive the message, he had to make some effort, even though it was only to read and, perhaps, to turn the pages or unwind the scroll. God has freely given us many things, but if we want to move to higher levels, we have to put in some effort ourselves. As we will see in the next few verses, the effort we put in is often very minimal compared to what we receive for our efforts.
Footnotes on this verse refer to the Lord standing beside Samuel when Samuel was told that Eli was to be punished for not restraining his sons. Eli was the prophet, but Samuel was given this message. Eli acknowledged it was from God. This says something about priesthood authority and how a transition was made when a prophet fell. Samuel would live to see this story replayed, in a way, as David was called (through Samuel) to replace King Saul, who had also fallen (1 Samuel 3:10).
The Lord also stood before Joseph and Oliver in the Kirtland Temple as He accepted the Temple as His house (D&C 110:2-3). I think there is some significance to prophets seeing the Lord standing. He could be sitting on His throne to deliver His message, but when He is talking to our prophets (or to us) He is standing. He will not be delayed. He is ready for action.
Ezekiel was also shown a book, written inside and out with lamentations and mournings and woe (Ezek 2:9-10). In the book of Revelation, John is given a book which he was required to eat. He said it was sweet as honey in his mouth, but it made his belly “bitter”. Then John is told that he must prophesy again before many peoples. Is missionary work sweet at first, then hard to bear, or bitter? Is that the typical nature of this work? We have talked to a number of missionaries who were excited to go on a mission and left their homes with congratulations and pats on the back, only to find that missionary work is not all about glory and becoming top baptizers and assistants to the president. There is hard work involved, and the focus is not supposed to be on the greatness and glory of the missionary. It is supposed to be on teaching people with love and gathering in Heavenly Father’s children, so they can make progress in returning to our Father. The glory comes later – on the other side, when we see that we have helped someone we loved as a brother or sister remain a brother or sister
1 Nephi 1:13 2013-05-20 00:21:40??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:13
In this verse Lehi begins reading. God has seen Jerusalem’s abominations. Of course He has seen them. All things are known to Him and are in His view at all times. I think the point is that Jerusalem’s abominations have grown to the point that the Lord is ready to take action. “Wo” is pronounced on the city twice and it will be destroyed with its inhabitants. We are told that “many” inhabitants will perish by the sword and “many” will be taken captive into Babylon. Jacob’s children have been captive before. I don’t think we are told why the Israelites were held captive in Egypt, but it’s interesting that Joseph went to Egypt in captivity and later ruled Egypt and saved Israel. Israel then became captive in Egypt until rescued by Moses. How often does the pattern have to be repeated? When will we learn that the Lord is in control? Even after Moses rescued Israel, the Israelites wanted to return to Egypt rather than accept the hardships and rules of survival as they headed to the promised land. Now, during Lehi’s dream, Israel (those who were not part of the lost ten tribes) were unwilling to obey the commandments in order to have the Lord’s protection. They were about to be destroyed or taken captive yet again.
One of the cross references is to Jeremiah 13:27 which mentions adulteries, neighings, lewdness of whoredom, and abominations, then a plea like “will you not be made clean? When is that going to happen?”
Another cross reference is to 2 Kings 23:27 where the Lord says He will remove Judah as He did Israel, He will cast off Jerusalem and the temple. The reference to Ezek 15:6-8 mentions that the Jews will run from one fire only to be consumed by another.
Later in the Book of Mormon we will see that Lehi and others have confirmation that Jerusalem was indeed destroyed according to the vision seen by Lehi. We also know from the Bible and, I believe, secular history that Babylon did indeed invade Jerusalem, killed many inhabitants and took the rest captive
1 Nephi 1:15 2013-05-24 00:31:41? ?Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:15
This verse is a commentary by Nephi repeating that Lehi rejoiced because of what his father had seen. Nephi states that Lehi’s “whole heart” was filled. There were no dark spots or hidden sorrows that were not filled. This life is a journey of trials and sorrows, but, apparently, when Lehi saw a more complete picture, those difficulties were turned into blessings and joy. Perhaps Lehi saw that all of his family would eventually inherit a kingdom of glory – none would be left behind. We have knowledge of the three kingdoms of glory, and Joseph Smith said that even the lowest of those was infinitely better than this life. Was that what Lehi saw? There are two principles that govern us – justice and mercy. We know that God is a God of mercy and we will beg for mercy when we see our lives and are to be judged. He is also a God of justice. We will also beg for justice. Every pain, every sorrow, every want will be made up to us. Is that not a reason to rejoice, knowing that such things will eventually come to us
1 Nephi 1:17 2013-05-24 00:46:47??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:17
The editorial continues. Nephi tells us that he is going to make an abridgment of his father’s records, then he will make an account of his own life. Nephi shows that he is really invested in this work by telling us that he has made plates for these writing “with mine own hands.” I don’t know how to make brass (or any other metal) plates. Somehow Nephi must have had resources for the material (I don’t think scrap brass was kept in the trunks that Lehi’s family brought to the promised land) and information or experience to convert the raw material into useable form. Nephi must have been taught, in addition to the language of his father, something about getting ore out of the ground, refining or smelting metal from ore, metallurgy, etc. His education was obviously much more than mere “book learning.” As I go back and re-read verse one, I realize that Nephi doesn’t say he was taught by his father, only that because of his parents he was taught. Does that mean by tutors? by apprenticeship?
The cross references in this verse are to other places in Nephi’s writings (1st and 2nd Nephi), the Doctrine and Covenants and the Topical Guide. I will write my thoughts on those passages when I reach them in the course of this study.
1 Nephi 1:19 2013-05-25 02:37:34??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:19
The Jews mocked Lehi because of what he testified. He testified of their wickedness (no one likes to be told he is wicked), and he testified of what he had seen and heard in vision and of what he read in the book, and he plainly manifested of the coming of a Messiah and of the redemption of the world. It seems like they would want to know about these last two, but they couldn’t get past their own wickedness and abominations. How often is that repeated in the scriptures? The Lord has His arm stretched out to us in mercy, and all we need to do is come to Him, but we refuse. We insist that we can do it on our own, or that we are happy while we grope in darkness. I think of the Israelites plagued by the poisonous serpents. All they needed to do, once bitten, was to look at the brass serpent that Moses held on a staff, yet many died because they were too stubborn to look. I suppose the serpents were everywhere in the camp. Many did nothing to cause themselves to be bitten. It was a consequence of life, something that just happened because of where they were. But there was a cure after the bite. Like the Israelites, many of us suffer simply because of the world where we live. If we come to Christ those sufferings will be replaced with joy, because God is just
I have completed my initial review of the first chapter of 1st Nephi. I am not done with this chapter yet. Of course I plan to repeatedly review and reread and study the Book of Mormon, but for this present work I want to review citations from general authorities and other scholars as they have studied these same passages. What will be posted in “Thoughts on Citations” will be my feelings with regard to their comments on 1 Nephi 1. In some, perhaps many of the citations, I will quote directly from those who initially referred to the indicated verse or verses. After I finish that study, I will move to chapter 2. This is a dynamic work. I’m sure my format will change from time to time, perhaps frequently, as I slowly move through the Book of Mormon. The format is not the important aspect of all this; my intention is to find hidden treasures in this volume of scripture. I know I will still miss many treasures, so when I complete this, I will do it again in order to find more of these hidden treasures. I am grateful for ancient and modern prophets, scholars and others responsible for making all these resources available to me. I hope that, even as many have shined light on important things for my view, I may cast a little light for others.
This was originally written in my journal on 11 April 2013. Vicki and I are in Brazil as missionaries, drawing close to the end of our mission. We have the opportunity to work with young missionaries at the S?o Paulo MTC, and I work at the temple.
1 Nephi 1:1 Citations 2013-05-28 21:13:35
Elder Jay E Jensen of the Presidency of the Seventy, October 2010 General Conference referenced the fact that the Book of Mormon and the first Vision both begin in a family setting, children born of goodly parents, well taught. Elder Jensen states that 1 Nephi is “saturated” the the Spirit of the Lord. He said “In these early chapters there is a clear message that revelation and the Holy Ghost are given not only to prophets but also the fathers and mothers and children.”
Several church leaders refer to having been born of goodly parents. Elder Claudio Costa of the Presidency of the Seventy in October 2007 said that “Lehi understood well his responsibility to teach his children.”
Many of the writers/speakers who cite 1 Nephi 1:1 speak of the importance of families. Elder Perry said “What a different world this would be if the personal journals of each of our Father in Heaven’s children could begin with a similar phrase – having been born of goodly parents and being taught by them.” April Conference 1994
There are too many references to speakers having been born of goodly parents to attempt to list them. Joseph Smith declared “Words and language are inadequate to express the gratitude that I owe to God for having given me so honorable a parentage.” History of the Church, 5:126, cited by M Russell Ballard in Oct Conference 1991
Several citations mention that Nephi was taught somewhat in <em>all</em> the learning of his father. Nothing was held back. A Theodore Tuttle said “The words that open that great volume of scripture, the Book of Mormon, ought to be our guide as fathers.” Oct 1973
S Dillworth Young said “Those of us who are parents have children who may become prophets or sons of prophets. Let us raise them in truth and in virtue.” Oct 1972
Spencer W Kimball, Oct 1969 said “though two of the boys ignored those teachings, using their own free agency, yet Nephi and others of his brothers were strongly fortified and all their lives could draw heavily on the reservoir built and filled by worthy parents.”
Henry D Taylor, April 1968, said “What a glorious thing it would be if each child born into this world could have the assurance of these things:
To be born into a home where parents enjoy a respected and honorable name. In other words, “to be born of goodly parents.”
To be born into homes where they are wanted: a place in which they are loved; a place where proper examples are manifest. One father said: “I am not trying to be a model father. All I am trying to do is live so that when someone says to my son, ‘you remind me of your father,’ he can stick out his chest and not his tongue.’
A place where the children are encouraged to prepare themselves for life, both here and hereafter, to live up to their potential; a home where they are instructed to stand on their own feet, to be independent and self-supporting; a home where they are taught to prepare to establish homes of their own through proper training and securing an adequate education.
G Homer Durham, April 1979 referred 1 Nephi 1:1-2 to Deut 6:5-7 and stated that the learning of the Jews included effort to engrave on the minds and hearts of children Moses’ prophetic instructions: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittist in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way.”
Jay E Jensen, Oct 2010, paralleled the lives of Lehi and Joseph Smith:
Each has a specific need. Lehi’s is to save himself and his family from Jerusalem’s imminent destruction, Joseph Smith’s is to know which church is true.
Each prays.
Each has a vision of the Father and the Son.
To each is given a book.
Both preach.
Each receives a revelation from the Holy Ghost and by visions or dreams.
Finally, wicked people threaten them. Lehi and his people escape and survive. Joseph is martyred.
1 Nephi 1:5 Citations 2013-05-28 21:22:50
Elder Bednar, Oct 2008: We learn a vital lesson from the example of Lehi in the Book of Mormon. Lehi responded in faith to prophetic instruction and warnings concerning the destruction of Jerusalem. He then prayed unto the Lord “with all his heart, in behalf of his people (emphasis added by Elder Bednar). In answer to this fervent prayer, Lehi was blessed with a glorious vision of God and His Son and the impending destruction of Jerusalem…” Please note that the vision came in response to a prayer for others and not as a result of a request for personal guidance or edification.
1 Nephi 1:8 Citations 2013-05-28 21:53:11
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Pg 161: God has so ordained that when He has communicated, no vision is to be taken but what you see by the seeing of the eye, or what you hear by the hearing of the ear. When you see a vision, pray for the interpretation; if you get not this, shut it up; there must be certainty, in this matter. An open vision will manifest that which is more important. Lying spirits are going forth in the earth. There will be great manifestations of spirits, both false and true.
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Pg 312: Peter and Stephen testify that they saw the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. Any person that had seen the heavens opened knows that there are three personages in the heavens who hold the keys of power, and one presides over all.
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Pg 324: Joseph taught that we all know that we must die. Is is important to understand why we are exposed to pain, trials and death, God’s purposes in our being here and our departure from this life. Joseph said it is only reasonable to suppose that God would reveal something about this matter, “and it is a subject we ought to study more than any other.” He also said “the world is ignorant in reference to their true condition and relation.” “Could we read and comprehend all that has been written from the days of Adam, on the relation of man to God and angels in a future state, we should know very little about it. Reading the experience of others, or the revelation given to <em>them</em>, can never give <em>us</em> a comprehensive view of our condition and true relation to God. Knowledge of these things can only be obtained by experiences through the ordinances of God set forth for that purpose. Could you gaze into heaven five minutes, you would know more than you would by reading all that was ever written on the subject… If men would acquire salvation they have got to be subject before they leave this world, to certain rules and principles, which are fixed by an unalterable decree before the world was.”
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Pg 358: Joseph Smith talks about the fact that Jesus will save all except the sons of perdition. He then explains that someone must know God and then sin against Him to become a son of perdition. “He has got to say that the sun does not shine while he sees it; he has got to deny Jesus Christ when the heavens have been opened unto him, and to deny the plan of salvation with his eyes open to the truth of it… This is the case with many apostates of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
1 Nephi 1:12 Citations 2013-05-28 23:09:57
Spencer J Condie, Oct 1993, pointed out that just as Lehi was filled with the Spirit of the Lord as he read the book given to him, we can also be filled with the Spirit of the Lord as we read the Book of Mormon.
In my personal studies of the Book of Mormon I have found this to be true. I have also found that I am not usually filled unless I have prepared myself with some pondering and prayer. I often find answers to specific questions, but at times things seem to draw my attention and new understandings come to my mind. This is not to say that previous impressions of some passages were not correct; there was just more there to be added to my understanding. This is one of the main reasons that I am reading the Book of Mormon in this way. I want to add to my knowledge, or, better stated, I want to open my mind and my heart to the Spirit so He can give me greater understanding.
In Elder Condie’s remarks he gave an anecdote about a woman ready to divorce her husband because he refused to treat her kindly or investigate the church. As she prayed about the situation, she realized that she was not perfect either. She began to work on her impatience. As she changed, he changed. He began to attend church on his own initiative. They were later sealed in the temple and became regular temple patrons.
1 Nephi 1:15 Citations 2013-05-28 23:28:17
David A Bednar, Oct 2008: Elder Bednar mentions the fact that our ability to receive revelation is improved when we express gratitude and pray earnestly for others- “Just as expressing gratitude more often in our prayers enlarges the conduit for revelation, so praying for others with all of the energy of our souls increases our capacity to hear and to heed the voice of the Lord.”
As I mentioned concerning verse 5 of this chapter, Elder Bednar sees the importance of praying for others. “Lehi rejoiced…because of the things which the Lord had shown him. Please note that the vision came in response to a prayer for others and not as a result of a request for personal edification or guidance.
1 Nephi 1:19 Citations 2013-05-28 23:55:58
J Thomas Fyans, Apr 1987: Elder Fyans points out that Lehi’s reaction to his vision was to testify that the things of the vision “manifested plainly of the coming of the Messiah, and also the redemption of the world.”
The title page of the Book of Mormon tells us that its purpose is to convince the Jew and the Gentile that Jesus is the Christ. That is restated in the subtitle of the Book of Mormon itself: “Another Testament of Jesus Christ”. Here we see that the first prophet named in the Book of Mormon, in the very first chapter testifies of the coming of Jesus Christ. We will see this repeated time and time again on almost every page of the Book of Mormon. We will even read where the Father testifies of Jesus Christ, as I mentioned in the previous entry. the Book of Mormon has no value to us if we fail to use it to build our relation with our Savior. That is its purpose, and there is no better means of learning of Him and gaining a testimony of Him as our Savior and Redeemer than a lifelong study and adherence to the teachings of the Book of Mormon
Darwin on 1 Nephi 1
1 Nephi 1:1 2013-05-18 22:38:21? ?Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:1:
“Nephi was taught in the learning of his father.”? Goodly parents teach. In spite of afflictions, Nephi sees that he has been highly favored of the Lord and knows of the goodness and mysteries of God.
I did some research on the term ‘mysteries of God’,- but did’t find much from the writings of the brethren.? In Mosiah 1:3 King Benjamin mentions that the people suffered in ignorance, not knowing the mysteries of God. Perhaps the ‘mysteries of God‘ refers to the Atonement and the blessings that come through obedience to the commandments”.
President Kimball stated in General Conference, Oct 1966: “If there be hearts which can understand, know this: that the exalting truths of Christ’s gospel will no longer be hidden and mysterious, and all earnest seekers may know God and His program.”
President Kimball also wrote: “The Lord is eager to see their first awakening desires and their beginning efforts to penetrate the darkness. Having granted freedom of decision, He must permit man to grope his way until he reaches for the light. But when man begins to hunger, when his arms begin to reach, when his knees begin to bend and his voice becomes articulate, then and not till then does our Lord push back the horizons, draw back the veil, and make it possible for men to emerge from dim uncertain stumbling to sureness, in heavenly light”. –Munich Area Conference 1973
“If one rises from his knees having merely said words, he should fall back on his knees and remain there until he has established communication with the Lord who is very anxious to bless, but having given man his free agency, will not force himself upon that man”. –The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, 124
1 Nephi 1:3 2013-05-19 01:38:34??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:3
Nephi testifies that what he writes is true and according to his own knowledge. He is not writing what someone else told him to write, and he didn’t have a scribe or ghost writer. This tells us that if there are any mistakes, he is the one responsible. He doesn’t make any excuses or place any potential blame on someone else.
1 Nephi 1:5 2013-05-19 01:44:32??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:5
Lehi prayed with all his heart in behalf of his people. Again, he seems to have some feelings for the people. It’s interesting that he shows his concern for his people, then in the following verse, he has a vision or a special or dramatic answer to his prayers. This is a pattern repeated with Enos. First he prays for his own soul, then, having received an answer, he prayes for his people, then for his enemies (who are still his brethren)
1 Nephi 1:7 2013-05-19 02:14:59??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:7
Again we see the word “at” in relation to the location of Lehi’s home, “at Jerusalem”.? My guess is that the word Nephi used could have been translated as either “at” or “in”, but Joseph was inspired to use “at”.
As Lehi was overcome by the Spirit,? he cast himself upon his bed.? Joseph was exhausted by the repeated visits of Moroni on the 21st and 22nd of September 1823. He was unable to help his father who told him to go home. As he was trying to cross a fence, Joseph fell to the ground and was unaware of his surrounding for a time, then saw Moroni again. Joseph followed Moroni’s instructions.
There are other scriptural passages that refer to being overcome: Daniel 8:26-27 says that Daniel was sick for “certain” days after having a vision (perhaps a dream?) of the kings of Media and Persia being destroyed by a king of Grecia, etc.
Dan 10:8-12 — Daniel has another vision while he was “in a deep sleep upon [his] face.” As a side note: a voice spoke to Daniel in verse 12? “… from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard…”? God doesn’t wait for us to be perfect or to make a certain amount of progress before He hears our prayers. He hears us in the very moment we decide we’re going to try to improve our relation with Him.
When Nephi asked Laman and Lemuel to help build the ship and they rebelled, Nephi said “…Behold, I am full of the Spirit of God, insomuch that my frame has no strength.” (1 Nephi 17:47). There are several other places in the Book of Mormon that speak of people being overcome: Alma the younger, Ammon, Lamoni, etc. Moses also was overcome after God showed him the world. It was many hours later that Moses again received his natural strength. –Moses 1:9-1
1 Nephi 1:9 2013-05-19 19:01:57??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:9
Lehi saw “One” descending out of the midst of heaven, and his luster was above the noon-day sun. We can’t look directly at the sun without special protection for our eyes, so how could Lehi have made a comparison? I suppose he could have seen how bright a beam of sunlight is when reflected from the surface of an object. When the sunlight is on a leaf, we can see how green that leaf is. If the light is much more intense (as it would be through a magnifying glass), the leaf appears yellow or even white. Again, we need protection for our eyes to see the sun directly. We also need protection for our spirits if we are to look directly at the Father or the Son. Joseph Smith recorded that after the First Vision he “came to myself” again. He was lying on his back looking up into heaven. Had he also been overcome with the Spirit? Was he protected by the Spirit? When Isaiah saw God he exclaimed “…Wo is me! for I am undone; … for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.” (2 Nephi 16:15).
In any case, Lehi saw that the “One” was more brilliant than anything he had ever experienced. It must have been a startling event. It certainly would have grabbed my attention. Nephi does not record anything about Lehi’s emotional reaction, but he must have been terrified. It isn’t recorded, but my guess is that one of the first things the Redeemer said to him was “fear not”. That seems to be a fairly common greeting from heavenly messengers. The Spirit and the Savior are comforters. They would not want someone, especially someone who sought to serve them, to be in fear. I wonder about people who claim to be Christians and are emphatic that Mormons aren’t Christian. Some seem also giddy with delight when they claim Mormons are going to hell. First they teach that no one is supposed to judge (which in itself is a misreading of scripture). Then they judge other religions based on their own interpretation of the Bible, Supported by decisions made in 325AD at the Nicean Council. As I read the four gospels, it seems that every time someone approached the Savior with a complaint against someone else, He made them examine themselves. The clear message seemed to be “You take care of your own situation. You have your own problems to overcome. I will take care of that other person.” In reality, the only one who can say someone or some religion is not Christian is Christ Himself. We must all strive to be like Him and keep his commandments. We also have a responsibility to help others along the way, teaching and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We should be busy enough with that that we don’t have time to teach against others. It looks like I have strayed far from verse 9, but this is intended to be a study journa, not a close commenary of the Book of Mormon
1 Nephi 1:11 2013-05-19 21:27:45??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:11
The One and the twelve “went forth upon the face of the earth.” Lehi saw that there was something much bigger than himself in this ministry. This gives me the feeling that it was something worldwide, not just for Lehi’s family or just for Jerusalem. I think the Jews saw themselves as the chosen people and everyone else as “the world.” They seem to have had something of an isolationist attitude. We know that in the time of Jesus Jews would walk many extra miles to get from one place to another just to avoid walking through Samaria. One could not walk a direct route from Jerusalem to Galilee without going through Samaria, but many Jews refused to walk that route for fear of becoming unclean or of having to deal with the hated, half-breed apostates.
As Lehi saw the twelve go forth, the “first” stood before him and gave him a book and asked Lehi to read it. Several thoughts come to mind concerning this. First: the book was not delivered by one of the twelve followers but by the leader himself (so far he hasn’t been specifically identified). That shows that there is great importance attached to the book. Second, the message is contained in a book and is not delivered orally. Perhaps that is to remind us that this is not something that’s going to change, be forgotten or misunderstood. This is something like Pharaoh in the movie “The Ten Commandments”: So let it be written; so let it be done! What was written in the book was going to be done. Third, Lehi was bidden to read the book. It was not read to him. To receive the message, he had to make some effort, even though it was only to read and, perhaps, to turn the pages or unwind the scroll. God has freely given us many things, but if we want to move to higher levels, we have to put in some effort ourselves. As we will see in the next few verses, the effort we put in is often very minimal compared to what we receive for our efforts.
Footnotes on this verse refer to the Lord standing beside Samuel when Samuel was told that Eli was to be punished for not restraining his sons. Eli was the prophet, but Samuel was given this message. Eli acknowledged it was from God. This says something about priesthood authority and how a transition was made when a prophet fell. Samuel would live to see this story replayed, in a way, as David was called (through Samuel) to replace King Saul, who had also fallen (1 Samuel 3:10).
The Lord also stood before Joseph and Oliver in the Kirtland Temple as He accepted the Temple as His house (D&C 110:2-3). I think there is some significance to prophets seeing the Lord standing. He could be sitting on His throne to deliver His message, but when He is talking to our prophets (or to us) He is standing. He will not be delayed. He is ready for action.
Ezekiel was also shown a book, written inside and out with lamentations and mournings and woe (Ezek 2:9-10). In the book of Revelation, John is given a book which he was required to eat. He said it was sweet as honey in his mouth, but it made his belly “bitter”. Then John is told that he must prophesy again before many peoples. Is missionary work sweet at first, then hard to bear, or bitter? Is that the typical nature of this work? We have talked to a number of missionaries who were excited to go on a mission and left their homes with congratulations and pats on the back, only to find that missionary work is not all about glory and becoming top baptizers and assistants to the president. There is hard work involved, and the focus is not supposed to be on the greatness and glory of the missionary. It is supposed to be on teaching people with love and gathering in Heavenly Father’s children, so they can make progress in returning to our Father. The glory comes later – on the other side, when we see that we have helped someone we loved as a brother or sister remain a brother or sister
1 Nephi 1:13 2013-05-20 00:21:40??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:13
In this verse Lehi begins reading. God has seen Jerusalem’s abominations. Of course He has seen them. All things are known to Him and are in His view at all times. I think the point is that Jerusalem’s abominations have grown to the point that the Lord is ready to take action. “Wo” is pronounced on the city twice and it will be destroyed with its inhabitants. We are told that “many” inhabitants will perish by the sword and “many” will be taken captive into Babylon. Jacob’s children have been captive before. I don’t think we are told why the Israelites were held captive in Egypt, but it’s interesting that Joseph went to Egypt in captivity and later ruled Egypt and saved Israel. Israel then became captive in Egypt until rescued by Moses. How often does the pattern have to be repeated? When will we learn that the Lord is in control? Even after Moses rescued Israel, the Israelites wanted to return to Egypt rather than accept the hardships and rules of survival as they headed to the promised land. Now, during Lehi’s dream, Israel (those who were not part of the lost ten tribes) were unwilling to obey the commandments in order to have the Lord’s protection. They were about to be destroyed or taken captive yet again.
One of the cross references is to Jeremiah 13:27 which mentions adulteries, neighings, lewdness of whoredom, and abominations, then a plea like “will you not be made clean? When is that going to happen?”
Another cross reference is to 2 Kings 23:27 where the Lord says He will remove Judah as He did Israel, He will cast off Jerusalem and the temple. The reference to Ezek 15:6-8 mentions that the Jews will run from one fire only to be consumed by another.
Later in the Book of Mormon we will see that Lehi and others have confirmation that Jerusalem was indeed destroyed according to the vision seen by Lehi. We also know from the Bible and, I believe, secular history that Babylon did indeed invade Jerusalem, killed many inhabitants and took the rest captive
1 Nephi 1:15 2013-05-24 00:31:41? ?Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:15
This verse is a commentary by Nephi repeating that Lehi rejoiced because of what his father had seen. Nephi states that Lehi’s “whole heart” was filled. There were no dark spots or hidden sorrows that were not filled. This life is a journey of trials and sorrows, but, apparently, when Lehi saw a more complete picture, those difficulties were turned into blessings and joy. Perhaps Lehi saw that all of his family would eventually inherit a kingdom of glory – none would be left behind. We have knowledge of the three kingdoms of glory, and Joseph Smith said that even the lowest of those was infinitely better than this life. Was that what Lehi saw? There are two principles that govern us – justice and mercy. We know that God is a God of mercy and we will beg for mercy when we see our lives and are to be judged. He is also a God of justice. We will also beg for justice. Every pain, every sorrow, every want will be made up to us. Is that not a reason to rejoice, knowing that such things will eventually come to us
1 Nephi 1:17 2013-05-24 00:46:47??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:17
The editorial continues. Nephi tells us that he is going to make an abridgment of his father’s records, then he will make an account of his own life. Nephi shows that he is really invested in this work by telling us that he has made plates for these writing “with mine own hands.” I don’t know how to make brass (or any other metal) plates. Somehow Nephi must have had resources for the material (I don’t think scrap brass was kept in the trunks that Lehi’s family brought to the promised land) and information or experience to convert the raw material into useable form. Nephi must have been taught, in addition to the language of his father, something about getting ore out of the ground, refining or smelting metal from ore, metallurgy, etc. His education was obviously much more than mere “book learning.” As I go back and re-read verse one, I realize that Nephi doesn’t say he was taught by his father, only that because of his parents he was taught. Does that mean by tutors? by apprenticeship?
The cross references in this verse are to other places in Nephi’s writings (1st and 2nd Nephi), the Doctrine and Covenants and the Topical Guide. I will write my thoughts on those passages when I reach them in the course of this study.
1 Nephi 1:19 2013-05-25 02:37:34??Darwin wrote the following about 1 Nephi 1:19
The Jews mocked Lehi because of what he testified. He testified of their wickedness (no one likes to be told he is wicked), and he testified of what he had seen and heard in vision and of what he read in the book, and he plainly manifested of the coming of a Messiah and of the redemption of the world. It seems like they would want to know about these last two, but they couldn’t get past their own wickedness and abominations. How often is that repeated in the scriptures? The Lord has His arm stretched out to us in mercy, and all we need to do is come to Him, but we refuse. We insist that we can do it on our own, or that we are happy while we grope in darkness. I think of the Israelites plagued by the poisonous serpents. All they needed to do, once bitten, was to look at the brass serpent that Moses held on a staff, yet many died because they were too stubborn to look. I suppose the serpents were everywhere in the camp. Many did nothing to cause themselves to be bitten. It was a consequence of life, something that just happened because of where they were. But there was a cure after the bite. Like the Israelites, many of us suffer simply because of the world where we live. If we come to Christ those sufferings will be replaced with joy, because God is just
1 Nephi 1 Summary 2013-05-25 02:52:25? Darwin’s? Summary
I have completed my initial review of the first chapter of 1st Nephi. I am not done with this chapter yet. Of course I plan to repeatedly review and reread and study the Book of Mormon, but for this present work I want to review citations from general authorities and other scholars as they have studied these same passages. What will be posted in “Thoughts on Citations” will be my feelings with regard to their comments on 1 Nephi 1. In some, perhaps many of the citations, I will quote directly from those who initially referred to the indicated verse or verses. After I finish that study, I will move to chapter 2. This is a dynamic work. I’m sure my format will change from time to time, perhaps frequently, as I slowly move through the Book of Mormon. The format is not the important aspect of all this; my intention is to find hidden treasures in this volume of scripture. I know I will still miss many treasures, so when I complete this, I will do it again in order to find more of these hidden treasures. I am grateful for ancient and modern prophets, scholars and others responsible for making all these resources available to me. I hope that, even as many have shined light on important things for my view, I may cast a little light for others.
This was originally written in my journal on 11 April 2013. Vicki and I are in Brazil as missionaries, drawing close to the end of our mission. We have the opportunity to work with young missionaries at the S?o Paulo MTC, and I work at the temple.
1 Nephi 1:1 Citations 2013-05-28 21:13:35
Elder Jay E Jensen of the Presidency of the Seventy, October 2010 General Conference referenced the fact that the Book of Mormon and the first Vision both begin in a family setting, children born of goodly parents, well taught. Elder Jensen states that 1 Nephi is “saturated” the the Spirit of the Lord. He said “In these early chapters there is a clear message that revelation and the Holy Ghost are given not only to prophets but also the fathers and mothers and children.”
Several church leaders refer to having been born of goodly parents. Elder Claudio Costa of the Presidency of the Seventy in October 2007 said that “Lehi understood well his responsibility to teach his children.”
Many of the writers/speakers who cite 1 Nephi 1:1 speak of the importance of families. Elder Perry said “What a different world this would be if the personal journals of each of our Father in Heaven’s children could begin with a similar phrase – having been born of goodly parents and being taught by them.” April Conference 1994
There are too many references to speakers having been born of goodly parents to attempt to list them. Joseph Smith declared “Words and language are inadequate to express the gratitude that I owe to God for having given me so honorable a parentage.” History of the Church, 5:126, cited by M Russell Ballard in Oct Conference 1991
Several citations mention that Nephi was taught somewhat in <em>all</em> the learning of his father. Nothing was held back. A Theodore Tuttle said “The words that open that great volume of scripture, the Book of Mormon, ought to be our guide as fathers.” Oct 1973
S Dillworth Young said “Those of us who are parents have children who may become prophets or sons of prophets. Let us raise them in truth and in virtue.” Oct 1972
Spencer W Kimball, Oct 1969 said “though two of the boys ignored those teachings, using their own free agency, yet Nephi and others of his brothers were strongly fortified and all their lives could draw heavily on the reservoir built and filled by worthy parents.”
Henry D Taylor, April 1968, said “What a glorious thing it would be if each child born into this world could have the assurance of these things:
G Homer Durham, April 1979 referred 1 Nephi 1:1-2 to Deut 6:5-7 and stated that the learning of the Jews included effort to engrave on the minds and hearts of children Moses’ prophetic instructions: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittist in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way.”
Jay E Jensen, Oct 2010, paralleled the lives of Lehi and Joseph Smith:
1 Nephi 1:5 Citations 2013-05-28 21:22:50
Elder Bednar, Oct 2008: We learn a vital lesson from the example of Lehi in the Book of Mormon. Lehi responded in faith to prophetic instruction and warnings concerning the destruction of Jerusalem. He then prayed unto the Lord “with all his heart, in behalf of his people (emphasis added by Elder Bednar). In answer to this fervent prayer, Lehi was blessed with a glorious vision of God and His Son and the impending destruction of Jerusalem…” Please note that the vision came in response to a prayer for others and not as a result of a request for personal guidance or edification.
1 Nephi 1:8 Citations 2013-05-28 21:53:11
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Pg 161: God has so ordained that when He has communicated, no vision is to be taken but what you see by the seeing of the eye, or what you hear by the hearing of the ear. When you see a vision, pray for the interpretation; if you get not this, shut it up; there must be certainty, in this matter. An open vision will manifest that which is more important. Lying spirits are going forth in the earth. There will be great manifestations of spirits, both false and true.
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Pg 312: Peter and Stephen testify that they saw the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. Any person that had seen the heavens opened knows that there are three personages in the heavens who hold the keys of power, and one presides over all.
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Pg 324: Joseph taught that we all know that we must die. Is is important to understand why we are exposed to pain, trials and death, God’s purposes in our being here and our departure from this life. Joseph said it is only reasonable to suppose that God would reveal something about this matter, “and it is a subject we ought to study more than any other.” He also said “the world is ignorant in reference to their true condition and relation.” “Could we read and comprehend all that has been written from the days of Adam, on the relation of man to God and angels in a future state, we should know very little about it. Reading the experience of others, or the revelation given to <em>them</em>, can never give <em>us</em> a comprehensive view of our condition and true relation to God. Knowledge of these things can only be obtained by experiences through the ordinances of God set forth for that purpose. Could you gaze into heaven five minutes, you would know more than you would by reading all that was ever written on the subject… If men would acquire salvation they have got to be subject before they leave this world, to certain rules and principles, which are fixed by an unalterable decree before the world was.”
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Pg 358: Joseph Smith talks about the fact that Jesus will save all except the sons of perdition. He then explains that someone must know God and then sin against Him to become a son of perdition. “He has got to say that the sun does not shine while he sees it; he has got to deny Jesus Christ when the heavens have been opened unto him, and to deny the plan of salvation with his eyes open to the truth of it… This is the case with many apostates of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
1 Nephi 1:12 Citations 2013-05-28 23:09:57
Spencer J Condie, Oct 1993, pointed out that just as Lehi was filled with the Spirit of the Lord as he read the book given to him, we can also be filled with the Spirit of the Lord as we read the Book of Mormon.
In my personal studies of the Book of Mormon I have found this to be true. I have also found that I am not usually filled unless I have prepared myself with some pondering and prayer. I often find answers to specific questions, but at times things seem to draw my attention and new understandings come to my mind. This is not to say that previous impressions of some passages were not correct; there was just more there to be added to my understanding. This is one of the main reasons that I am reading the Book of Mormon in this way. I want to add to my knowledge, or, better stated, I want to open my mind and my heart to the Spirit so He can give me greater understanding.
In Elder Condie’s remarks he gave an anecdote about a woman ready to divorce her husband because he refused to treat her kindly or investigate the church. As she prayed about the situation, she realized that she was not perfect either. She began to work on her impatience. As she changed, he changed. He began to attend church on his own initiative. They were later sealed in the temple and became regular temple patrons.
1 Nephi 1:15 Citations 2013-05-28 23:28:17
David A Bednar, Oct 2008: Elder Bednar mentions the fact that our ability to receive revelation is improved when we express gratitude and pray earnestly for others- “Just as expressing gratitude more often in our prayers enlarges the conduit for revelation, so praying for others with all of the energy of our souls increases our capacity to hear and to heed the voice of the Lord.”
As I mentioned concerning verse 5 of this chapter, Elder Bednar sees the importance of praying for others. “Lehi rejoiced…because of the things which the Lord had shown him. Please note that the vision came in response to a prayer for others and not as a result of a request for personal edification or guidance.
1 Nephi 1:19 Citations 2013-05-28 23:55:58
J Thomas Fyans, Apr 1987: Elder Fyans points out that Lehi’s reaction to his vision was to testify that the things of the vision “manifested plainly of the coming of the Messiah, and also the redemption of the world.”
The title page of the Book of Mormon tells us that its purpose is to convince the Jew and the Gentile that Jesus is the Christ. That is restated in the subtitle of the Book of Mormon itself: “Another Testament of Jesus Christ”. Here we see that the first prophet named in the Book of Mormon, in the very first chapter testifies of the coming of Jesus Christ. We will see this repeated time and time again on almost every page of the Book of Mormon. We will even read where the Father testifies of Jesus Christ, as I mentioned in the previous entry. the Book of Mormon has no value to us if we fail to use it to build our relation with our Savior. That is its purpose, and there is no better means of learning of Him and gaining a testimony of Him as our Savior and Redeemer than a lifelong study and adherence to the teachings of the Book of Mormon
Young Readers:? Book of Mormon Stories Videos?
Chapter 1- How we got the Book of Mormon,
Chapter 2 -? Lehi warns the People
More Mature Readers:? Book of Mormon Itself
1 Nephi Chapter 1
1 Nephi Chapter 2
More Mature Readers:? Book of Mormon Discussions by BYU Faculty.
Background Information:
Joseph Smith History😕 about 26 min.
Testimony of the Witnesses:? about 27 min
Structure of the Book of Mormon:? about 27 min
Divine Purposes of the Book of Mormon part 1:? about 26 min
Divine Purposes of the Book of Mormon part 2:? about 26 min
! Nephi 1 and 2:? about 27 min