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Darwin and Vicki May 2018. Temple workers at the Gilbert, Az Temple.
Come Follow Me - 2020 Blog
We going to try to do some blog posts on our experience with the Come Follow Me curriculum this year. We use the curriculum and follow it but we also use additional resources. The first Media Archive below contains what we thought were the best of the video’s for a Quick Study (Our Favorites) along with our thoughts on whatever lesson we are on. The rest of the Video Archives show any video’s we watched as part of our study or preparation and will be titled with the Video Title. Where it came from will be in the Heading of the Archive. We tried to pick good short ones. If they are longer than 5 min they had to be exceptionally good (in our view).
You will find find a link to the Church curriculum at Book of Mormon Central and additional resources including complete podcasts of the KnoWhy’s at
We hope the extra material below will be helpful to you. The Media Archives below in order are: Quick Study (Our Favorites), The Church, Book of Mormon Central, Teaching with Power, BYU Round Tables, and Other.
Media for Come Follow Me
Quick Study
Our Favorites from everything we have seen (admittedly not everything)
There will be more than one for each lesson and our thoughts are here also.
We have tried to include things here that would appeal to all ages. We liked all of these. The ones from Teaching with Power are going to be longer. If you want more check the websites for each group, there is plenty of really good material. Darwin and I have been reading and watching a week ahead and then again during the week of the lesson.
Geographical Evidence for Lehi’s Journey
Please go to for this years full curriculum with many of the ove 500 short video “Knowhy” segments integrated with the areas of study.
Why did Nephi Clarify that Messiah was the Savior of the World?
Please go to for this years full curriculum with many of the ove 500 short video “Knowhy” segments integrated with the areas of study.
What was on the lost 116 pages?
Please go to for this years full curriculum with many of the ove 500 short video “Knowhy” segments integrated with the areas of study.
Why did Nephi want to know the Mysteries of God?
The Lord knows what is coming in the world and in our individual lives. He prepared a complete record including Nephi’s small plates knowing that part of the record would be lost.
How is the Garden of Eden similar to Lehi’s dream?
The similarities between Lehi’s vision and the Garden of Eden
Why did Lehi quote from a psalm of repentance in his dream?
A psalm using some of the same phrases as Nephi’s account of Lehi’s dream.
My Thoughts Lesson 2 – Darwin
Thoughts on 1 Nephi 1 – 7 I’ve already learned a lot about the Book of Mormon from all the resources that are available now. We’re not even two weeks
My Impressions Lesson 2 – Vicki
Jan 12, 2020 I have had a great week, reading and studying 1 Nephi 1-7. I have used several different methods to study and had some interesting insights about covenants.
What Sacrifices Did Lehi Offer to the Lord in the Wilderness?
Interesting explanation of the law of Moses Sacrifices as they applied to Lehi’s family. Great very short video.
President Nelson – Title Page and Translation of the Book of Mormon
6.04 minutes President Nelson teaching about the Title Page and Translation.
Evidences of the Book of Mormon
This is a longer video at 8:47 min but goes into detail about the historical evidence for the truthfulness of the witnesses and details about the plates.
Book of Mormon Center Longer Lesson Components - great for adults and older teens.
By Taylor Halverson and Tyler Griffin
Come Follow Me Book of Mormon Central Lesson 4 Intro?
Please go to for this years full curriculum with many of the ove 500 short video “Knowhy” segments integrated with the areas of study.
Come Follow Me Book of Mormon Central Lesson 3 Intro?
Please go to for this years full curriculum with many of the ove 500 short video “Knowhy” segments integrated with the areas of study.
The Power of Deliverance through Covenants
15:20 Min. (watch it at a faster speed if you feel like you don’t have time) This is excellent material and was the first time I had heard this explanation of the execution of the unconditional covenant with Abraham.
First Verse of the Book of Mormon
Let’s look at the first verse of the Book of Mormon and see what we can learn to add to the things we already know.
Teaching with Power - Media
Teaching With Power Lesson 4
Most of the time in this video is a great lesson on the Tree of Life. 41:51 at normal speed.
Teaching With Power Lesson 3
Most of the time in this video is a great lesson on the Tree of Life. 38:49 at normal speed.
Teaching With Power Lesson 2
Great Ideas for being in the scriptures with your students or with yourself. 44.40 at normal speed.
BYU Round Table - Media
The BYU religion department has done multiple series of discussions on the the Book of Mormon. We listened to the first series they did back in about 2000 and really got a lot out of it. That series seems to have disappeared but the second series is still available and there is a new series just starting. The discussions have taken the form of several professors talking about specific chapters and verses of the Book of Mormon as they would in a two semester college level class. There are two completed sets of these discussions that were done in years (multiple years) past and there is now a new series that is being put up now. I was going to put up all the discussions for one of the older sets of discussions as we came to the that area in our “Come Follow Me” studies but have decided just to put a post with the first video in each set and a link the playlist for the set below the video. There is only 3 discussions up for the newest set and I don’t know how they will roll the out. So you can pick from either play list or check them both out if you desire to see which one, if any, is most informative for you.
Old Book of Mormon Round Table Discussions Playlist from 2003
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Below the video is a link to the playlist for the Older BYU Book of Mormon Round Table discussions.
New Book of Mormon Round Table Discussions Playlist
The Title Page and Purposes of the Book of Mormon are featured here. Below the video is a link to the playlist for the New BYU Book of Mormon Round Tables.
Other - Media
Plates of the Book of Mormon Overview
This is from Br Fullmer who is the creator of the Warriors of the Promised Land characters and game. 3.41 min