As if we weren’t stiff enough from packing

Darwin and I decided that our fence need to be cleaned and oiled before we left for two years. We had this bright idea some time ago but never found time to do it so we decided that Friday and Saturday of this week would be it. Oh boy!! We are not yet done with packing (almost but not there yet) but we decided that we could do this “little chore” with no problem. It was a much bigger project than we thought. We cleaned the whole fence on Friday (about 65 feet across the back and 65 feet up each of the sides and across the front to hook to the house – about 195 feet total by 6 ft high.) We used a brush on, wash off fence cleaner. Today we painted about 2/3’s of it with Linseed oil and mineral spirits. We still have the back side of the fence that faces into the common area to do plus the side where I was painting the rails. The first picture shows what one corner looked like before we started and the last two pictures show what it looks like at the end of today. You can see how much better it looks in the last photo. It is quite a contrast. We will need to finish Monday. We are definately running out of days as we leave for Ben’s house on Thursday.



This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Darwn and Vicki,
    Vicki, I have never known you to take on any project in a small way. Be careful. I would hate to see you on a medical leave before you even leave your back yard! the fence does look great though
    Love to you both-Michelle

  2. hopefully you can have a nice relaxing visit with us. We can’t wait to see you both. Only 4 more days! love ya!

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