Some couples that went through us

Below are some pictures of a few of the couples that we have been with all week. There were 15 couples plus one single older sister this week. This was a very small group. Usually they have twice that many and next week they are slated for a larger group. We loved the time we spent with these couples about half of our group will go foriegn and the other half are in the US. Also about half have served on at least one other full time couple mission. There was lots of experience in the group.

Our teachers were wonderful and the material was great and very useful. We taught alot to volunteers and they have learned to role play really well.

On the last day they brought in some former senior missionaries for the whole group and a couple of nursed who had been on medical missions. One of the companionships was two senior sisters, the oldest of whom was 85. She turned 80 5 months into her 18 month mission. Her companion was in her late 60’s. The were assigned to a little town (about 6 square blocks) in the outback of Austrailia. There experiences were and suggestions were inspiring and wonderful. This 80 + year old sister had more ability in her little finger than I have seen in most people half her age. She was so dynamic.

We had so many good experiences here. We have one more week of training. All next week we will be getting training from the Church Medical and Social Services offices. See you all later. Keep checking in. We now fly out on Monday Jun 9th, 2008.

Someplace in South East Asia and/or Mylasia

Didn’t get this couple by the map. They headed out early. They had their medical training a week early and are now on the way to Hong Kong.

Colombia, Venazuela, and Equador – Spanish Speaking

The West Indies and Guyana–Just a wave away from us

Orlando Florida

Mosambique – Portuguese Speaking

Malasia –

This was our district. We were the medical district One couple to the Marshal Islands, One couple to Hong Kong Asia Area – English Speaking plus one couple going to Tiwain- Manderin Speaking and us to South America North



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