It has been a long while since I updated our blog. We have been on the road again and will be gone again tomorrow and then again next week. Two weeks ago we went to Bucaramango (the ant capital of the world — they harvest ants here to eat– I ate one and bought some more to bring home and share with all of you. I bet you can’t wait) Darwin and I did a training for zone leaders and then at the request of the Stake president did a fireside for about 350-400 youth on how to fight the battle with Satan and win. After we talked to the youth, we let them ask questions, which ranged from “How do I talk to my parents about sex?” to “How do we get the kids around us not to offer us drugs or pornography” We than talked to the parents and let them ask questions. Which ranged from “How do we talk to our kids about sex? to How do we help them not fold under peer pressure?” All told it was a pretty good training.
Back in the Airport. We are getting very familiar with South American Airports.
Tomorrow we head to Venezuela for the first time. I will keep you posted. We will fly to Caracus and then another flight to a small town and then a 1 hour ride by car to get to the Stake center for training. We have a new stake presidency there and they have not had any audit training yet. Our mentor and friend and the other auditor has been called to serve as a Bishop and he has been released so it is Darwin and I now. He has been taking care of Venezuela and some of the more remote parts of Colombia. Now we have it all. I guess now that I can say Gracias with a Colombian Accent we are good to go (we still look totalimente like gringos). Oh well we will be well chaparoned by the members of the stake.
Stayed tuned for a report from Venezuela and a blog on food and food packaging in Colombia in my next post.