WoW!! Here it is December and I haven’t written a post since late October. I have been putting things up on YouTube and linking them to our webpage and to facebook but I need to be more diligent. Christmas is coming to Bogotá again and it is exciting. Bogotá is a city that likes to celebrate Christmas. In a Christian country that is not afraid to celebrate a Christian religious holiday we get to see and hear lots of what used to be traditional in the United States. There are nativity scenes, from life sized to miniture, everwhere. All the malls have major nativities and the parks are beginning to be a blaze with lights again. We are in a new location this year so we are seeing slightly different things. Last year we watched as a life sized nativity was sculpted out of sand with some kind of additive in the park close to our apartment. They completed it all but the Christ Child before Christmas eve and then late Christmas Eve the Christ Child was finished and the nativity was complete Christmas morning. We will be heading to that part again sometime this year.

Christmas music is everywhere. Hark the Herald Angles Sing, Away in the Manger, Silient Night as well as the other types of Christmas music, Jingle Bells, Deck the halls and Felize Navidad.

Before I get anymore carried away with Christmas (I will get some pictures as we visit different parts of the city), I need to update you on our trip to the Amazon.

Yes we made it and below are 3 short videos of our still photos of that trip. It was a wonderful 4 days in the Jungle.

This second on is our first day adventure in climbing (well we almost all made it)

The last if of misc. stuff like tranancilas (sp) and pink dolphins and just great fun.

We also visited an indiginous village but I don’t have the pictures of that visit put together. It was interesting. I hope I will get some of what we saw up but who knows, life just keeps flying by.

We are busy and trying to get the new assistant auditors in place before we come home. (We are now officially short timers. We will be back in April and hope to get up, down, or over to see you all). I am still busy and now offically sad that I have to leave this beautiful, wonderful places that is Colombia. I love the people and the city and the language (even if my ability is elementry) and all that we have gotten to do here. We are anxious to see our family. I think some of my grandkids think I live in a computer. Skype is wonderful but it is not like holding them. Hope all is well with you and yours and we hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Darwin and Vicki



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