Well today is Jan 2, 2012. I can tell you it has been an exciting and exhausting week. We had couple of firsts yesterday. Darwin drove us (yes in São Paulo Brazil) to church. The senior couples have several cars checked out to them so we can get to the MTC (across the city) without taking a taxi (costs about $60.00 round trip) or the bus (which means 4 transfers). We have been riding with one of the other couples but everyone here has to learn how to drive in the city so yesterday was Darwin’s first day behind the wheel. We made it, no accidents. Sunday is a slow traffic day but we have to go to the MTC one day for me to observe the teaching of the stress management material to the new missionaries. I can’t wait to drive through this city on a regular traffic day.
It is interesting here. They have cameras at various places along the way and they take pictures of you and figure your speed. If you are speeding they send you a ticket through the mail but usually it takes 4 months to get to you.
The second first was that Darwin was called to be a counselor in the Branch Presidency of the 4th branch. The 4th Branch is an English speaking Branch with all American Elders and Sisters. He also played the piano for Sacrament meeting (that was a first here because he has been having trouble seeing the notes with the macular tear he has in one eye).
I thought you might like to see some pictures of where we are. I hope you read the rests of the posts, no pictures but alot going on here.
Gueaquile Ecuador trip up the steps – Draft
I can’t believe a month has gone by. We have been all over the place and back again. Currently we are in Ecuador and have