What Sacrifices Did Lehi Offer to the Lord in the Wilderness?
Interesting explanation of the law of Moses Sacrifices as they applied to Lehi's family. Great very short video.
Interesting explanation of the law of Moses Sacrifices as they applied to Lehi's family. Great very short video.
15:20 Min. (watch it at a faster speed if you feel like you don't have time) This is excellent material and was the first time I had heard this explanation of the execution of the unconditional covenant with Abraham.
Let's look at the first verse of the Book of Mormon and see what we can learn to add to the things we already know.
6.04 minutes President Nelson teaching about the Title Page and Translation.
Great Ideas for being in the scriptures with your students or with yourself. 44.40 at normal speed.
This is a longer video at 8:47 min but goes into detail about the historical evidence for the truthfulness of the witnesses and details about the plates.
This is from Br Fullmer who is the creator of the Warriors of the Promised Land characters and game. 3.41 min
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Below the video is a link to the playlist for the Older BYU Book of Mormon Round Table discussions.
The Title Page and Purposes of the Book of Mormon are featured here. Below the video is a link to the playlist for the New BYU Book of Mormon Round Tables.