Merry Christmas – Feliz Navidad from Bogotá
Below are some of the lights that decorate our area of the city. The Nativity is sculpted in sand. Tonight they will sculpt the Christ Child and put him in the manger. Christmas here is a festive occation. The city goes all out and decorates various places. There are all kinds of things going on, including music of all kinds, roaming mimes and clowns, venders with food and lights for the children. The streets are crowded and venders are everywhere. It is really quite an experience. We have had several experiences lately that we need to put in here. We have now become very adept at riding the transmilenial, and are getting ready to travel again in January. I will be doing training for the Zone Leaders in Bucuramanga on Jan 7th and then we will be in Ecuador again probably the last two weeks in January for auditing training in the Guayaquil area. I will also be working with the 2 missions in Guayaquil. Merry Christmas to all we hope all is well for you and your family in the new year. We will be having Christmas dinner with the Shirtlifts (president of the MTC) and the Maloufs (area medical advisor) tonight and will probably call family tomorrow.
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26 Dec 2008We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! We missed you both. We love the pictures of you in Chile, its fun to see you in pictures that we have of us in the same place. We love you both. Happy New Year.