This and That
Benjamin was full of life and interested in everything from the moment he entered this world. He was independent and wanted to be able to do the things his older brothers and sister did; read, ride a bike, play ball. You name it he was up for it. He started reading when he was 3 during morning family scripture reading. At first, I would read a few words and he would repeat it. But soon that was not good enough. He wanted to read better than Christy, who was 3 years older and already reading full verses of scriptures. He asked me one day to help him with the words and not just give him stuff to repeat. He said he wanted to read like the older boys, (7 and 8 years older) and so he learned to read.
Written by or to Ben
Letters, email, and whatever I could find written by and for Ben
Videos of Ben
Does he pole vault? Can he act? Is he a drummer? Was he a little nuts as a boy?
More about Ben
Pictures, His testimony,