President Nelson – Title Page and Translation of the Book of Mormon
6.04 minutes President Nelson teaching about the Title Page and Translation.
6.04 minutes President Nelson teaching about the Title Page and Translation.
This is a longer video at 8:47 min but goes into detail about the historical evidence for the truthfulness of the witnesses and details about the plates.
This is from Br Fullmer who is the creator of the Warriors of the Promised Land characters and game. 3.41 min
The Testimony of Joseph Smith about the Book of Mormon 3:21 min
Why Did The Book of Mormon Originally Say That Joseph Smith Was the Author? 4:08 min
How Does the "Mosiah-First" Translation Sequence Strengthen Faith? 3:37 min
Is It Possible That a Single Author Wrote the Book of Mormon? 3:15 min
Were The Plates Needed to Translate The Book of Mormon? 1:45 min