There is so much we would like to share with you (all of you, children and grandchildren). We have lived on this earth for quite a while now, and some of you are just barely getting a good start. We, like you, have had and will continue to have our challenges. That is, after all, what this life is all about. So we are exploring how we can do, in our age, what Lehi did for his posterity and what Alma the Younger did for his Sons. See More Below. We have just added a Come Follow Me Blog archive at the bottom of this page. Please check out what we are doing with our study of the Book of Mormon this year.
Check out our blog posts past and present. We may have something just for you today. You are, after all, part of our family and your growth and development and feelings of self-worth are important to us.
Some of the same material but some different and in a different format. This is where we are currently adding new content. It may or may not be duplicated in the Blog.
Things to Learn
There is so much to learn and know about in the Gospel and in the World. We are most concerned about helping you know things about the Gospel that may help you in the World.
Our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ really are alive and well and are interested in you. Take the time to get to know them! Read and Pray Every Day.