We recieved our mission call on Thursday April 3, 2008. We have been called to serve in the South American North Area in Bogotá Colombia. Darwin will serve as the Area Auditor Trainer and will be working primarily with ward and stake leaders responsible for the records of the Church. I have been called to serve as the Mental Health Advisor to the Area President and will help him and the mission presidents in the area assess the mental health needs of the missionaries serving in the area. As far as we have been able to learn there are 384 wards and or Branches in our area and 11 missions. I will be posting the letters we recieved from President Monson and our responses below or above. Where ever they appear.



This Post Has One Comment

  1. We are so excited for you; however, we are a little sad we wont get to see you much if at all. Can’t wait to see you for ben’s graduation. Have you booked your flight yet?

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